17th September 2021

Dear Parent/Carers

I am writing today to update you on the current situation in school regarding the rising number of Covid 19 cases in school.

We have been working with Wigan Public Health as we plan a strategy to move forward over the next few weeks.Ā  As a school, we have maintained and implemented a range of measures further than the Government guidance.

In school we have a number of measures in place to reduce risk

  • One way systems.
  • Direction of stairways
  • Ventilation – windows and doors open.
  • Regular hand hygiene.
  • Enhanced cleaning regime on site.
  • Separate year group break and lunch times.

As part of our Outbreak Management Plan 2021 and following recommendations from Wigan Public Health we will be implementing from Monday the 20th September the following temporary additional measures in response to the current outbreak.

Testing in school

  • We have been advised to consider onsite testing for identified student groups.
  • Further information is to follow as this is yet to be finalised and agreed.
  • If you have not consented to testing please click the link and complete the consent form CONSENT FORM

Face Covering

  • Face Covering must be worn in communal areas around school and as staff and students move lesson to lesson, lunch, break and as they enter and leave school.
  • Visitors / Parents must wear masks when visiting the school.
  • Face coverings strategy may be revised for students and staff to wear in classrooms

Other Measures

  • The School Open Evening is cancelled and will now be virtual.
  • Inter school sporting activities paused until further notice.
  • Educational Visits will not happen during this period.
  • Parent Attendance to school will be paused until further notice.

We hope that by implementing these additional measures transmission across school is reduced.Ā  I would like to thank you all for your continued support and I will keep you updated over the coming weeks.


Yours Sincerely

Mr J Grant



Please click here for our School contingency PlanĀ School Outbreak Contingency Plan

Click here to upload the Headteachers update in PDF formĀ Headteachers Update 17th September

Please Click here to view a Parent Letter on behalf of Wigan CouncilĀ Wigan Council Parent Letter