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Shevington High School


At Shevington High School, promoting a love of reading is important to us all.  Our school library is situated in an accessible part of the school and is staffed by a passionate and committed Librarian who also delivers some one to one and group tuition in this calm, and peaceful area of the school.

Pupils use the library once a fortnight for their literacy lessons which are part of the English Curriculum. This is an opportunity for them to read for pleasure. They can choose from the books on the shelves which comprises approximately 3,000 physical books not including magazines and newspapers or our online system - MYon which features over 6,000 books. As well as reading we carry out book talk sessions, group reading and special reading events. 

The Library area was redesigned in 2024 - Here's what our pupils told us about it:
It is a calm and peaceful, great for enjoying reading in
Love the wide range of books, popular ones and new ones
We also received some high praise from KS4 pupils who described the library using the popular TikTok accolades “slay” “mindful” and “giving!”
The library is also open at some break and lunch times and for after school activities.
We will continue to listen to pupils' ideas to adapt and refresh the library.