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Shevington High School

Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum

Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum Intent

The intent of our MFL curriculum is to develop language learners who:

  • Have a strong awareness of other cultures, foster their curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world.
  • Have the ability to express their ideas and thoughts in a foreign language confidently. 
  • Are provided with opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes and learn new ways of thinking.
  • Are inquisitive linguists, having developed an understanding of etymology and how languages are interlinked.
  • Are passionate linguists and are aware of the benefits language learning can bring.
  • Are resilient and independent learners.
  • Believe language learning is a skill for life and something students enjoy and find rewarding.


Year 7-9: 4 hours per fortnight

GCSE Options - French, Spanish and Mandarin

Year 10-11: 5 hours per week


Miss Whittaker- Curriculum Leader of Modern Foreign Languages
Miss Aneiros – Teacher of Spanish
Miss Chen – Teacher of Mandarin