Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Please submit the information below to enable your child to use their own device in school.
1. Parent/carer review policy and specification requirements for device
2. Parent to email with the following information
- Child’s Name:
- Child’s Form:
- Device (manufacturer and model):
- Your Name
- Confirm you have read and understand the policy.
3. Student is logged onto the network and can use device in school
The following guidance and consent form are intended to allow students to bring their own device to school to support their learning.
We strongly recommend that you do not set parental controls on the device as this causes constant access issues at school and often makes the device unusable.Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Personal ICT Devices
- The use of personal ICT devices falls under Shevington High School’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy which all students must agree to, and comply with.
- The primary purpose of the use of personal devices at school is educational. Using the device for personal reasons should only take place after permission has been given from a teacher or other member of staff.
- Students are permitted to connect to school wireless networking services only while using a personal ICT device in school. No other wireless, wired or Internet service is permitted.
- On school BYOD devices the school will install SENSO and Sophos protection on the mobile device to maintain network security and control when accessing the school network. This will not be installed on personal devices.
- There are no secure facilities provided at school to store personal ICT devices. Students should therefore keep their personal ICT device with them at all times.
- Use of personal ICT devices during the school day is at the discretion of teachers and staff. Students must use devices as directed by their teacher.
- The use of a personal ICT device is not to be a distraction in any way to teachers or students. Personal devices must not disrupt class or Private Study areas in any way. Playing games or other non-school work related activities are not permitted.
- Students shall only use a personal ICT device while under supervision in a subject classroom unless otherwise directed by a teacher e.g. on school visits or activities.
- Students shall make no attempts to circumvent the school’s network security. This includes setting up proxies and downloading programs to bypass security.
- Students shall not distribute pictures or video or any other material relating to students or staff without their permission (distribution can be as small as emailing/texting to one other person or as large as posting image or video online).
- Students must check their personal ICT device daily to ensure the device is free from unsuitable material and free from viruses etc. before bringing the device into school.
- Students must check their personal ICT device daily for basic Health and Safety compliance to ensure it is free from defects. Particular attention should be paid to the power lead (lead not frayed; plug correctly fitted and containing the correct fuse rating), the keyboard (all keys present; no bare metal exposed), the screen (free from flicker and damage) and the device battery (able to hold a charge). Any personal ICT device that has obvious Health and Safety defects should not be brought into school.
- To manage, control and report on access to the school network, a school register of pupil BYOD devices will be maintained. Pupils should be aware that network tools can be used to produce reports on BYOD device usage and internet activity when connected to the school network. Windows based devices must have the latest Microsoft Updates installed including the MSRT (Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool)
- If your device is identified to have VPN/Proxy software on it then it may be removed from the Shevington High School wireless network as this can sometimes flood our firewall causing it to be intermittent and unavailable to everyone for a prolonged period of time
- The device will only be allowed back onto the schools wireless network if proof of removal has been provided and a written parental statement to say it has been corrected. Once proof has been submitted the device will be allowed back on, but if a second event is detected then the device will be removed and not allowed back on for safety/security reasons
- We also strongly recommend that you have antivirus/malware software to protect both yourselves and the school from any unwanted complications
- Student devices must meet a minimum requirement:
- 5 hour battery life
- Chrome browser
- Windows 8/10 or IOS 8 onwards
- Laptop/Tablet with FULL QUERTY keyboard (i.e. not a mobile phone)
Consequences for Misuse/Disruption
In addition to dealing with misuse/disruption within the remit of Shevington High School’s Acceptable Use of the Internet Policy and the school’s Behaviour Policy one or more of the following sanctions may apply:
- Personal ICT device would be confiscated and kept in the front office until parent/guardian picks it up.
- Privilege of using personal ICT devices at school would be removed.
- Serious misuse of Internet capable devices is regarded as a serious offence in direct contravention of Shevington High School’s Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy, the Internet Acceptable Use Policy and the Behaviour Policy and will be dealt with in accordance with these policies.
School Liability Statement
Students bring their personal ICT devices to use at Shevington High School at their own risk. Students are expected to act responsibly with regards to their own device, keeping it up to date via regular anti-virus and operating system updates and as secure as possible. It is their duty to be responsible for the upkeep and protection of their devices.
Shevington High School is in no way responsible for:
- Personal devices that are broken while at school or during school-sponsored activities.
- Personal devices that are lost or stolen at school or during school-sponsored activities.
- Maintenance or upkeep of any device (keeping it charged, installing updates or upgrades, fixing any software or hardware issues).
- Parents should ensure they have adequate insurance cover in place to cover the cost of repair/replacement of a personal ICT device in the event of loss/damage to the device.
Shevington High School accepts no liability in respect of any loss/damage to personal ICT devices while at school or during school-sponsored activities. The decision to bring a personal ICT device into school rests with the student and their parent(s)/guardian(s), as does the liability for any loss/damage that may result from the use of a personal ICT device in school. It is a condition of agreeing to allow students to bring personal ICT devices into school, that the parent/guardian countersigning the permission slip accepts this disclaimer.
Shevington High School operate a 1:1 Chromebook Scheme for students, giving families the option to purchase/lease a device from School.
Please note the portal for ordering a chromebook is now closed and will open again in April / May 2025.
Chromebook Information Parent Guide 2024
download_for_offlineChromebook Information Parent Guide 2024
- Quickstart User guide download_for_offline
download_for_offlineQuickstart User guide
If you have previously purchased a device please find below some useful information.
- Keeo your device in the case provided. It will protect it if you accidently drop it and keep the insurance valid
- Charge your device at home before you bring it to school
- Personalised your label so you can make sure you can recognised your device
- Only use if for your school work
- Look after your device as you would with your mobile phone
- Make it last! If you look after your device it will last for several years
- Keep your passwords safe
- Please ensure the device is kept in the case provided for insurance purposes
- The device should be fully charged at home, before being brought into school
- If you have a warranty / fault or an insurance claim please contact Edde Ltd via:-
Email -
Telephone - 01494 611465
It is recommended you contact Edde Ltd direct prior to using the portal using your details -
- For issues relating to Google Classroom or teaching issues these should be directed to your child's Head of Year or Form Tutor.
Restrictions - Options
The Chromebook that has been provided will initially be added to the school domain and set up as a school managed device. Chromebooks can only be de-provisioned when paid in full.
Benefits of a managed device
- Pupils are familiar with how devices work as they use them in school
- The device is monitored and has a violoation policy enforced
- Apps are controlled so more focus is on school work
If you would like to remove the restrictions applied to your child's chromebook then please email and state the following information:-
Email Subject - Chromebrook Restriction
Child's Name
Child's Date of Birth
Child's Year Group
and state option A, B or C from the list below:
A - Completely unrestricted - when in school the device will still have safety restrictions in place on the school network. Students will be able to login using a personal account and be able to access unfiltered at home.
B - Managed by school (in school and at home) - the device is completely managed by school and includes safeguarding software tracking at home.
C - Restricted (during school hours) - the device will have the same restrictions as option B, but only during school hours (and school holidays) between the hours of Monday - Friday 8:00am until 3:30pm, and safeguarding tracking will be in place during these core hourse. For the rest of the time the device will be unrestricted.
Please note changes may take over 48hours to come into effect.
- Quickstart User guide download_for_offline