School Uniform
Every pupil at Shevington High School must wear a school uniform. Having a smart and professional attitude to dressing prepares students for the world of work. Not only is school uniform practical and smart it creates a strong ethos, a sense of identity and pride in the school. Wearing school uniform:
- Reduces the social exclusion of students based on what they are wearing.
- Reduces tension as students do not have to compete with their peers for the latest fashion trends.
- It’s cost effective for parents in the long run.
- Uniform encourages a sense of pride in personal appearance and being part of a community.
- It promotes safety, by making it easier to identify strangers.
- Makes students ambassadors for the school in the community.
- Supports discipline and good behaviour.
Please see below the basic uniform requirements for Uniform and PE Kit.
Year 7 to 10 Uniform Requirements
- Shevington High School Blazer - Maroon blazer with logo, worn at all times and around school. (The blazer will be phased out from September 2025. New Year 7 pupils will wear the newly designed school jumper instead of a blazer)
- Shirt - Blue long/short sleeved school shirt.
- School Jumper - Maroon jumper with gold lines around the V-neck. (New design jumper from September 2025 with SHS design on the front will replace the school blazer)
- Trousers - Black standard fit.
- Tailored shorts - Black standard fit during Summer term only.
- Skirt - Shevington High School tartan skirt
- Tie - Plain maroon tie with Shevington High School crest.
- Socks - Plain black.
- Tights - Black tights worn with skirt during Autumn and Spring terms.
- Shoes - Plain black, low heeled, no trainers. (Please see below for guidance on shoes)
- Headwear - Hoods attached to coats or plain woollen hat in extreme cold situations, for outside wear only.
Year 11 Uniform Requirements
- School Jumper - Black jumper with gold lines around a V-Neck.
- Shirt - White long/short sleeved school shirt.
- Trousers - Black standard fit.
- Tailored shorts - Black standard fit during Summer term only.
- Skirt - Black pleated skirt.
- Tie - Year 11 Shevington High School tie
- Socks - Plain black.
- Tights - Black tights worn with skirt during Autumn and Spring terms.
- Shoes - Plain black, low heeled, no trainers (Please see below for guidance on shoes)
- Headwear - Hoods attached to coats or plain woollen hat in extreme cold situations, for outside wear only. If your child wishes to wear a recognised religious headwear it must be black.
Acceptable shoes guidance
This guidance is intended to help parents choose the most appropriate shoes for their child(ren). It is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of all of the shoes that are or are not acceptable, but by comparing your shoes to the list below, you will get a better understanding of what we accept. If you remain in any doubt, please contact the school before making your purchase, as we understand the difficulties caused by purchasing the wrong item, particularly expensive items such as shoes.
Year 7 to 11 PE Kit
- Shevington High School T-shirt - Black with school logo. KS4 Sport Studies student wear Red T-shirt with school logo.
- Shevington High School 1/4 Zip Top - Black with school logo.
- Shorts, Tracksuit pants, Leggings or Skort - Plain black with no logo.
- Socks - Plain black or Black football socks.
- Footwear - Suitable trainers for physical activity. Football boots for boys curriculum or required extra-curricular activities.
*All items of uniform and PE kit must be labeled with a students name.
Additional Uniform Standards and Expectations
All students are expected to be in FULL Shevington High School uniform whilst inside the building. This includes ties worn properly, blazers worn, shirts tucked, top buttons fastened and shoes on.
- Pupils are expected to bring to school each day a suitable sturdy bag large enough to fit an A4 folder and PE kit.
- If a student is unable to wear a full uniform for a genuine reason, they must bring a note from home. When this happens, students will be loaned the missing uniform at Student Services. Loaned uniform will be signed out and must be returned the next day. If the school does not have a uniform to loan a student, pastoral tutors will email staff. Failure to comply with this will result in school sanctions being enforced.
- The only jewellery that is permitted is one set of small stud earrings worn in the ear lobes. Any other jewellery is not permitted and failure to remove jewellery may lead to a sanction for being in defiance of school rules.
- Make-up that is visible is not permitted. Any child wearing nail varnish or acrylic nails will be asked to remove them before going to lessons.
- Any pupil arriving at school with hair that has been dyed an unnatural extreme colour or dip dyed will work separately.
- Pupils are not allowed unprofessional hairstyles this includes markings cut into hair or very short hair. Any pupil arriving at school with an inappropriate hair style will work separately.
- Outdoor coats must be taken off when entering classrooms.
Uniform is checked thoroughly at the start of every day. Minor uniform infringements carry a removal of points as a sanction. Students will be required to correct uniform infringements in the morning with the support of the pastoral team.
Equipment Requirements
The lack of equipment in lessons hinders effective learning and independence. We want all students to achieve the highest academic excellence and take responsibility for their learning. The first step is to be equipped and ready for the lessons ahead, to this end we expect all students to have basic equipment.
All Year 7 students are provided with a pencil case of essential equipment at the start of year. If items are lost or need to be replaced, this is the parent and pupil's responsibility. There is a School Shop available each morning where pupils can buy replacement equipment using cash. Equipment can also be ordered by parents using Scopay.
Minimum equipment:
At least one:
- black pen
- a pencil
- a ruler
- a purple pen
- a whiteboard marker
- a highlighter
- a calculator (CASIO fx-83GTX & fx-85GTX)
Additional Maths equipment such as a compass and protractor are required for specific topics in Maths lessons.
Students bringing their own device from home must ensure that it is fully charged at the start of the day. It is not possible to charge devices in school.
- All form tutors to do a morning check on basic equipment
- Minor equipment infringements carry a removal of points
Uniform Suppliers
You can purchase our School Uniform from the below suppliers:
- Slaters (Wigan) -
- AC Sports (Pemberton) -
- Impressions (Standish) -
Please click link below for full uniform list:
School Uniform Store
Here at Shevington High we run a quality seconds uniform store. This is free of charge for parents to use should you need any items of uniform for your child.
Please follow the link to make your request: