Special Education Needs and Disabilities Faculty (SEND)
Leaders, including governors, have ensured that all pupils, including those with SEND, have access to a suitably broad and ambitious curriculum..........Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), progress well through the curriculum.
Leaders identify the needs of pupils with SEND accurately. Teachers use the information that leaders provide to support pupils with SEND to learn well. This effective support helps these pupils to progress through the same ambitious subject curriculums as their peers.
- Ofsted 2022
The SEND team ensures the delivery of Shevington High School’s vision of entitlement and equality for all our young people, regardless of any learning needs and disabilities. We embrace working together as a school, alongside parents and other agencies to support each pupil to ultimate success and personal achievement, so they are ready to be valued and inspiring citizens in our modern society.
Shevington High School has a personalised approach to each young person in our school community. We are committed to nurturing and supporting our pupils to be ambitious, creative and resilient learners.
If you require any further information about SEND at Shevington High School please contact Miss K Milward (SENCO) Email:
Tel: 01257 400990
The SEND team:
Miss K Milward – SENCO
Miss M Scarfe – Assistant SENCO
Miss S Copeland – Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Latham – Level 3 Learning Support Assistant
Miss E Copeland – Level 3 Learning Support Assistant
Mrs S Alder – Learning Support Assistant
Mr J Berry – Learning Support Assistant
Mrs P Daud – Learning Support Assistant
Miss E Douglass - Learning Support Assistant
Mr M Grey – Learning Support Assistant
Mrs C Heaton - Learning Support Assistant
Mr R Kuzio - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs L Mayor - Learning Support Assistant
Mr C O’Brien – Learning Support Assistant
Mrs C Saxon – Learning Support Assistant
Mrs J Smart - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs C Smith – Learning Support Assistant
Mrs J Unsworth – Learning Support Assistant
The team works closely with staff across the curriculum to ensure that all pupils can access the curriculum and make progress. This may include one to one support, small group sessions and planned interventions.
Weekly interventions include IDL literacy & numeracy, handwriting & typing skills, therapeutic Lego, social skills, emotional regulation, paired reading and reading comprehension. Members of the team will also plan pupil support and attend or hold reviews for our students.
Wigan Local Offer
Wigan Local Offer provides information of services which could support children and young people with SEN:
Wigan Council’s Local Offer is available here:
The Autism Pathway and Service work with schools, teachers and parents to help support children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC), you will find further information at the link below:
Or if you prefer to speak to someone please call Wigan SEND team on 01942 486136
Useful Contacts
Wigan Local Authority Information for Families around SEND
SENDIASS - Parent Support - Wigan Local Authority – 01942 486131
Embrace (Support for Families) – 01942 233323