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Shevington High School

Mathematics Curriculum

Maths Curriculum Intent

Every student will follow a curriculum that allows them to achieve and be successful in Maths as we understand that all students are different! 

We believe in:

  • Challenging Goals: All pupils have Maths KS3 goals/GCSE targets arising from their KS2/CATs results, which are aspirational. In order to support pupils in achieving these targets, the Maths faculty always strive to provide opportunities for the following within lessons: Application, Fluency, Reasoning, Problem Solving & Misconception
  • Education for Life - not just this lesson! The Maths faculty believe that everything we do in the classroom has an impact on a pupils’ future.
  • Life is what you make it: – A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100%. It is a pupil’s attitude towards life and work that makes THEIR lives 100%!
  • An ethic of Excellence: Students who are proud of their work and whose work is worthy of pride, who also respect themselves and others.


Year 7-10: 8 hours per fortnight

Year 11: 9 hours per fortnight


Mrs Williams – Curriculum Leader of Mathematics

Mrs Holcroft - Second in Mathematics

Miss Atherton – Mathematics Teacher

Mr McIntyre- Mathematics Teacher

Mrs Crow – Mathematics Teacher

Mrs Daniels – Mathematics Teacher

Miss Grady – Mathematics Teacher

Miss Braddock - Mathematics Teacher