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Shevington High School


Year 7 Transition to Shevington High School

Welcome to Shevington High School

Welcome to the Year 7 cohort of 2025!  We are working hard to find out all about you and make sure you settle well into our Shevington family.  You will find lots of information on this page regarding your transition. This is an exciting time for both students and parents.  You have now become part of the ‘Shevington High School family’ and we look forward to seeing how you grow and develop whilst you attend our school.  If you have any concerns about transition, please contact the school and we will be happy to help.


Key Dates for Transition 2025 

Parent Transition Evening - Monday 30th June 2025 
               Tutor Groups 7.1, 7.2 & 7.3 - 5:30pm - 6:30pm
               Tutor Groups 7.4, 7.5 & 7.6 - 6:15pm - 7:15pm

Year 6 full Transition Day - Wednesday 2nd July 2025
               Students to arrive at school at 9am

Getting to know you day - Thursday 19th June 2025
               For a small cohort of students who are transitioning by themselves

Enhanced Transition for EHCP Students - Tuesday 24th & Monday 30th June 2025
               To be arranged by SENCo

Summer School - Monday 18th - Friday 22nd August 2025
               Students will be invited to attend in their tutor groups for 2 days

               (Monday & Tuesday or Wednesday & Friday)


 Further information will be emailed to parents nearer the time



Please click here to view Mr Bennett, Headteacher welcome letter Headteacher Welcome Letter Intake 2025


Parent Contact Information

To enable us to start working with both pupils and parents with the transition to Shevington High School and communicating more efficiently with parents we are asking you to complete the following form. This way we can keep you updated with information and news. Please click below to complete the form Year 6 Parent contact details form

How will Transition work this year?

Miss Milward is the key member of the Senior Leadership Team who will be overseeing and organising the transition work for this year.  We will be working alongside the Head of Year 7, Miss Miller,  to support all of our students to make the transition to secondary school.

You are welcome to get in touch if you have individual concerns or questions. 

During the transition process we will:

  • Speak to your primary schools to find out all about you. This will help us to place you in a form group.
  • Gather information from you about your language preferences.
  • Introduce the Year 7 form tutors to you. This usually happens on Transition Day. This takes place in July.
  • Share crucial information with pupils and parents virtually or in person.
  • Visit as many of you at your primary school as we can.  We have pupils joining us from 28 different primary schools so we will be getting out and about around the area.
  • Run additional transition sessions for students who may need additional transition for example if they do not know any other students joining us, or if they may have individual needs that need additional support during the transition process.

Year 6 Parent Transition Evening 

Please click below the information shared at the Parents Transition Meeting which was held on 30th June 2025.

We will up date this with information for the 2025 cohort soon.

Y6 Parent Transition Evening Information

Chromebooks for Learning

In 2020, we moved to all pupils using a device in school to support their learning.  This has become a unique feature of our school and pupils tell us that they really appreciate being able to learn in this way.  To help our students get used to this way of learning, we offer all our new pupils some transition learning tasks via Google Classroom.

The Deadline has now passed to sign up for the scheme

Parents will be contacted when chromebooks are ready to be collected once we have taken delivery of them and they have all been set up.


Year 6 Transition Questions 

Please complete the form below to submit any general questions you may have about transition/school and we will then be able to answer these for you.

If you have any specific questions regarding your individual child please email these into the school [email protected]  email

 Y6 Transition Questions Form

Transition Learning Tasks

In July, you will receive details which introduce you to our online learning methods.  This letter includes your school username, password and gmail address.  You will also receive instructions about how to log on through our website.  Once you have logged on, you will be able to work virtually.  We want to make this possible as soon as we can as this will make it much easier for you to start working in the 'Shevington Way' even before you officially start in Year 7.  We will give you some online learning tasks through Google Classroom.  There are tasks in a range of subjects and your very first mission.  If you do not have a device of any kind use, please let us know and we will make alternative arrangements.


School Uniform Information

You can purchase our School Uniform from the official suppliers below.

Please note that there is a planned change to the uniform for Year 7 students in September 2025.  Uniform suppliers are aware of the changes.  Year 7 students will wear our new school jumper instead of the current school blazer.

AC Sports  Pemberton
Impressions Standish ( formally known as Standish Sports)

Equipment Requirements

All Year 7 students are provided with a pencil case of essential equipment at the start of year.  If items are lost or need to be replaced, this is the parent and pupil's responsibility.  There is a School Shop available each morning where pupils can buy replacement equipment using cash.  Equipment can also be ordered by parents using Scopay.

Minimum equipment: 

At least one:

Additional Maths equipment such as a compass and protractor are required for specific topics in Maths lessons.

Sharing Information About Your Child

We will receive lots of information about your child from their current primary school. We receive information about their academic performance, talents and special needs through a transfer form from their current school. We will also be speaking to your child’s current school by telephone to find out any relevant information to make their transition as smooth as possible. However, if there is any additional information that you think we need to know, you can let us know by emailing [email protected]. It is important to us that we have all the relevant information required to ensure a successful start to Year 7.

We will post out the Student Data collection Booklet to home addresses. The information in this Student Data Booklet is essential for us to update our school system with all contact numbers, emails and important parental consent for pupils and key information about the individual student.  It is essential all parents return the data collection booklet as soon as possible. You will have the opportunity to hand this in at the Welcome Evening on the 25th April. Spare copies of the booklet  are available at the school reception.

The First Day

Year 7 students are expected to start school on Wednesday 3rd September 2025. Usually students will arrive at 8.45am and assemble in the Main Hall with their form group and form tutor. Students will also be given their timetable. There is no need for your child to bring their PE kit with them on the first day. 

Things to remember:

– They should be in their full Shevington High School uniform.

– Students will need to have their bag and pencil case for when their form tutor discusses what equipment they will need at school.

– We hope that every student will purchase lunch from the canteen on this day, so that they are aware of the options available, as well as the procedure for purchasing lunch. Please ensure that your child has funds on the dinner money section of your SCOPAY account or cash to upload onto their accounts. If you are having difficulties arranging this, then please do not hesitate to contact the School Finance Office. Of course, if you prefer, your child may bring a packed lunch on this day, and will still eat with the rest of the year group in the canteen.

The First Few Weeks:

Your child will be provided with all the information they need to enable a smooth transition in their first few weeks at Shevington High School. 

School Canteen

Shevington High School has a cashless catering system whereby students use biometric  recognition to pay for food in the Canteen.  Your child will be registered on taster day or on arrival in September.  You are able to top up your child’s dinner account using SCOPAY. We recommend that parents set up an ‘email reminder’ for when the dinner money balance reaches a certain level so that it can be topped up ready for their child to purchase lunch. Details of the canteen food is on our website.

School Meals

Trip Information

For every trip that is organised at Shevington High School letters will go home to parents. All trips must be paid via our SCOPAY online payments system.

Travelling To and From School

Throughout the Induction process, our Year 7 team make it a priority to ensure that every student feels confident travelling to and from school. Your child’s form tutor will discuss walking safely to school and the importance of walking with a “buddy” who lives nearby, even if they aren’t a friend. We consistently enforce road safety, and welcome contact from parents and members of the public if they observe students being particularly safe or unsafe on the local roads.

If your child ever has any difficulty getting home (cancellations/lift not arrived) there will always be a member of staff on hand to help, and ensure that they get home safely. Please encourage your child to speak to any member of staff in school if they are unsure of how to get home, and not to leave the school premises until any issues are resolved.

Travelling by Bicycle

Students may wish to travel to school by bicycle. We have a bicycle store on site, however it is essential that students secure their bicycle with a good quality bike lock. Please ensure your child has the correct fitting safety helmet if travelling by bicycle.

Travelling by Public Transport

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) has a proof-of-age card that allows young people to pay the ‘child fare’ when travelling on public transport. You will find a link to apply for the ‘igo pass’ in the ‘Useful Links’ section near the end of this page.

Travelling by Bus

Bus operators include Shevington High into their routes for use by students. Details of buses that travel to and from Shevington High School and their associated timetables, as well as information on how to purchase an IGO  pass, can be found by following the link below.

Updated information will be uploaded onto the School website in the Parents section when we receive the new timetable in July.

Bus Information

Upholland Bus Service

The school provides a private bus service operated by Grayway Coaches for our students living in the Upholland/Roby Mill and Appley Bridge area.

Timetables will be shared very soon with the routes

Individual student passes will be available termly and are payable in advance . Cost £170.00

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Finance Department at the school on 01257 400990.

Music at Shevington High School

At Shevington High School the music department is one of the thriving hubs of the school. We host a wide range of musical activities each week and support the school with many musical performances from small events like awards evenings to large concerts with 100’s of guests.

One area in which I am currently trying to develop is the uptake/continuation of woodwind, brass and classical string instruments. During primary school, many pupils have access to the ‘wider opps’ schemes run by music hubs. These allow students to learn instruments in whole class or large group environments. This is fantastic but when they leave and come to Shevington, many students do not know they can continue with this amazing life altering talent.

The Wigan Music Service and myself work closely together and we currently have over 40 students a week learning an instrument in school with nearly half being strings, brass and woodwind. If you do not have access to an instrument the music service charge only £60 a year for the rent of an instrument. We also have some instruments in school to borrow initially to get students up and running.

If your child currently plays or is wanting to play a string, brass or woodwind instrument please consider this with us at Shevington. We also offer drum kit, vocals, guitar and piano lessons. It is an amazing experience and they get so much from it socially but also it improves academic ability, confidence, thinking skills and memory retention. Not only that, it is great to be able to play an instrument!

Lessons are during school time and are currently either 20 minutes @ £12 or 30 minutes @ £18.00. To pay, this is done on ScoPay and payments are a full term up front. 

For any more information on contact Mr Beaton  via email or ring the school office and ask to speak to the Finance Team.


Moving on up! (Childnet)

A lot of work goes into helping young people make a smooth transition from primary to secondary education. To help with this Childnet has created a toolkit with videos and lesson plans for adults helping young people aged 10-13 with the online aspects of moving to secondary school.

See here: https://www.childnet.com/resources/moving-on-up/

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request for my child to be absent from school, or attend a medical or dental appointment?

For medical or dental appointments, please simply write a note to be handed to the form tutor or main office or email our enquiries@shevingtonhigh.org.uk email address to notify us of the appointment. At the time they are due to leave, they must sign out at the School Reception and wait for you to collect them. We will not allow pupils to leave school without permission for the Parents/Carers.

For all other absences, please visit the Attendance and Absence page, under ‘Parents’, on the main school website. Here you will be able to download a Leave of Absence form to complete and returned to the School reception, which will then be passed to the Headteacher for authorisation.  Please note that absences in term time can only be authorised in very rare circumstances.  Term time holidays will not be authorised and fines may be applicable if these are taken during the school term.

What if my child is ill?

If your child is too ill to come into school, please telephone the school on 01257 400990 and choose the option for Student Absence before 8.45am. You must register your child’s absence on every day that they are off school. If an absence is not explained in the morning, then you will receive a truancy call as we must safeguard all child.  Any unexplained absences will be investigated.  

What should I do if my child isn’t making friends?

Transition can be a difficult time for any child, especially if they are struggling to make friends. It is important to realise that many of our new students are the only child from their Primary School in their year at Shevington High School, so if your child feels as though they haven’t made any friends yet then they certainly aren’t alone. Naturally, some pupils may take a little longer than other to settle into the routines of secondary school and to cement their long-term friendships. Friendship groups often change regularly, which is completely normal. Most children end Year 7 with totally different friendship groups than those they may have expected as they leave Year 6. Encourage your child to join as many extra-curricular clubs as possible, and not to hide away if they are on their own at break and lunchtimes. If they are really struggling, advise that they speak to their Form Tutor or Head of Year and for further guidance.

How can I help my child with their organisation?

It is important that we allow students to develop their organisational skills independently, and to learn from their mistakes, however it is understandably difficult for a parent not to intervene if they notice that their child is getting notes in their planner for missing equipment. Rather than organising for your child, perhaps provide them with a checklist of things to do each night, with a gentle reminder from you to check the checklist! It can take a while for Year 7s to develop organisational skills, particularly if they haven’t had experience of this in Primary School, but most will get there eventually. It is important for students to realise that it is ok to make mistakes, as long as we learn from them and know what to do next time.

How do I find out about Extra-curricular clubs?

Extra-curricular activities are usually advertised directly to students or on our school Website. Additionally, staff may make students aware of extra-curricular clubs during lesson time. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that you are aware if they are staying at an after-school club, and they are expected to make their own way home afterwards. 

Can girls wear their hair down? Or does it need to be tied up?

Pupils can currently wear their hair down if they choose to do so in most lessons.  However, students with hair longer than shoulder length should have a hair coloured bobble with them as long hair will need to be tied up for many practical lessons such as Science, PE and Technology and Food.

Is there a bus pass that you can buy for your child? And where do you do this?

You will need to look into which bus your child is going to use.  Most pupils that travel on buses have an Igo Pass.  Details about this can be found on our website.  Pupils who pay for a ticket on the private Upholland Bus which leaves from the school should contact school to arrange payment for this service and a pass will be issued through school.

What type of work that pupils will be using their “device” for? Will an iPad be suitable or will they need a device with a keyboard- for example the Chromebook mentioned via the school?

Pupils do lots of different tasks using a device.  Pupils can use an iPad so long as they have a keyboard attached to it.  Any device that has a keyboard will work.  We do like the chromebooks as they have a really long battery life and work very well with the Google Education Suite such as Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Slides and Google Meet.

What time does school finish each day?

The school day ends at 3.00pm.  

When do we get the timetable?

We usually give out timetables on the first day of school.  

When will I know which form I am in?

We will be in touch in July with your form groups.  We work hard with your primary schools to try to make sure you will be in a group with at least one person that you know and feel comfortable around if this is possible.  The language you have shown a preference in also affects which groups you are placed in as different forms do different languages.  As we are full to capacity this year, every form group will be full, so once places are allocated it is very difficult to move one student without moving another, so we will ask you to give your form a really good chance. If you are not happy with your group, we ask everyone to remember that everyone makes new friends at secondary school (even if you think you won’t).  We ask that you try your hardest in your new class but talk to us if you are really worried about anything as we will support you as you get used to your new class and new school.  Some lessons will not be taught in form groups, so you will mix with different pupils in those.  This includes subjects like Maths, English, Technology and PE.  

Which subjects will I be studying in Year 7?

You will study a full range of subjects when school returns to some kind of normal situation (or you will do these via google classroom if we are still working remotely)

You will study: Maths, English, Science, a Modern Language, History, Geography, Art, Drama, PE, PSHE, Technology, Computer Science and Religious Studies.  You will also have a workshop lesson where you work on your termly mission, or any work for other subjects that you need to develop or improve.

Useful Links

SCOPAY online web payments

The lack of equipment in lessons hinders effective learning and independence. We want all students to achieve the highest academic excellence and take responsibility for their learning. The first step is to be equipped and ready for the lessons ahead, to this end we expect all students to have basic equipment.

All Year 7 students are provided with a pencil case of essential equipment at the start of year.  If items are lost or need to be replaced, this is the parent and pupil's responsibility.  There is a School Shop available each morning where pupils can buy replacement equipment using cash.  Equipment can also be ordered by parents using Scopay.

Minimum equipment: 

At least one:

Additional Maths equipment such as a compass and protractor are required for specific topics in Maths lessons.

Students bringing their own device from home must ensure that it is fully charged at the start of the day.  It is not possible to charge devices in school.

  • All form tutors to do a morning check on basic equipment
  • Minor equipment infringements carry a removal of points