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Shevington High School



As part of our ongoing work to safeguard and protect every student at Shevington High School, there are several key pieces of information that I would like to bring to your attention. Firstly, within the policies area of our school website, you can access all of our policies and procedures. should you need to refer to them, these are also on this page.  In particular, I am obliged to draw your attention to our ‘Behaviour’ and ‘Child Protection and Safeguarding’ policies which contain key information regarding our day to day work and practice in these fundamental areas. In addition, as a school, we are required to identify our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) ,  Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) and Safeguarding and Inclusion Officer . These staff are responsible for addressing and responding to any issues that arise of a safeguarding or child protection nature in school. Parents should be aware that the school may have to make referrals about suspected cases of abuse and neglect to Children’s Social Care.

At Shevington High School, our Designated Safeguarding officers are:

  • Mrs L Johnson – Deputy Headteacher – Designated Safeguarding Lead ( DSL)
  • Mr D Morgan – Assistant Headteacher – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
  • Mrs K Milward - SENDCO- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
  • Miss A Davies – Safeguarding and Inclusion Officer

As well as our Designated Safeguarding officers we have four Heads of Years. Each Head of Year is responsible for a Year group and will support pupils and parents in any pastoral issues/general queries. You can contact Heads of Year by phoning the school office or emailing them direct.

Should you have any concerns regarding the safety of a student at school, please do not hesitate to contact one of the above named staff.  In the event that these staff are unavailable, please feel free discuss concerns with the child’s Head of Year in the first instance, who will be happy to advise the best course of action.  You can also email your concerns to Mrs L Thompson PA to Headteacher lthompson@shevingtonhigh.org.uk who will be able to pass this information to the relevant member of staff.

I also ask that, should you change any contact details or information, you notify school, in writing, as soon as possible?  It is imperative that we hold accurate contact details for all students, including current parent/carer mobile phone numbers, in case of emergency.

Finally, I would like to ask for your support in being vigilant and monitoring your child’s online/social media activity.  We are experiencing unprecedented numbers of cases, involving students at school, in receipt of suspicious or unusual online activity.  We work very closely with Greater Manchester  Police and other agencies to address issues and to educate students in the dangers and risks of befriending or communicating with people online that are unknown to the individual.

Please click link to access the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Please click link to access our Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy

E-Safety, Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Please follow the links below to some additional information:

